Launch Exercises

Чудная картина

Афанасий Фет

Чу´дная карти´на,

Как ты мне родна´:

Бе´лая равни´на,

По´лная луна´,

Свет небе´с высо´ких,

И блестя´щий снег,

И сане´й далёких

Одино´кий бег.

Фет - «Чудная картина» - Exercises

  1. «Родна´ - родно´й – роди´тели – Ро´дина» share the same root. Find the root and write down its meaning in English

    Create two sentences with any of these words.

  2. What is the root in «одино´кий»?

    Write the meaning of the root in English

  3. In the second line of the fist stanza what does the pronoun «ты» refer to?

  4. List all adjectives in the poem (8) and write their meaning in English.

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