Launch Exercises

Золото и Булат

Александр Пушкин

«Всё моё», — сказа´ло зла´то;

«Всё моё», — сказа´л була´т.

«Всё куплю´», — сказа´ло зла´то;

«Всё возьму´», — сказа´л була´т.

Пушкин - «Золото и Булат» - Exercises

  1. What tenses and aspect are used for verbs in the poem? List all the verbs indicating their aspect and tense.

  2. Find all the usages of pronoun ‘Всё’ in this poem. Indentify the case and the governing verb (if present) in each instance.

  3. Find the verbs in the first person and provide the infinitive forms for these verbs.

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