Где на´ша ро´за?
Друзья´ мои´!
Увя´ла ро´за,
Дитя´ зари´!...
Не говори´:
Вот жи´зни мла´дость,
Не повтори´:
Так вя´нет ра´дость,
В душе´ скажи´:
Прости´! жале´ю.....
И на лиле´ю
Нам укажи´.
Где на´ша ро´за?
Друзья´ мои´!
Увя´ла ро´за,
Дитя´ зари´!...
Не говори´:
Вот жи´зни мла´дость,
Не повтори´:
Так вя´нет ра´дость,
В душе´ скажи´:
Прости´! жале´ю.....
И на лиле´ю
Нам укажи´.
“Жить” means “to live” What is the meaning of “жизнь” in English?
What is the shared root?
“Де´ти” means “children.” What is the meaning of “дитя´” in English?
What is the shared root?
What in the poem does “дитя´ зари´” refer to in the first stanza?
Why does the poet describe it like that?
Find the verbs in the Imperative mood:
Find the verbs in the Perfective Aspect and explain the aspectual choice:
Find the verbs in the Imperfective Aspect and explain the aspectual choice: